Free. It takes ~24 hours for your account to be approved.
Why? Because we offer a URL masking feature that hides the real URL in the background
we've experienced abuse by individuals using custom subdomains in spam and phishing fraud.
A few years ago we began hand screening sites as well as employing other detection
techniques. Unlike our Premium service option, we can't use Paypal to instantly validate you. Unlike our Premium service option, we
can't use Paypal to instantly validate you.
Your Manual Review Activation Ticket |
ShortURL Address | Status | Ticket Date | | Awaiting staff approval. We have sent you an email with a link to this ticket.
We'll also email your password when you've been approved but you should bookmark this
page incase we have trouble getting email to you. Thanks. | Thursday August 3, 2023 at: 15:14:9 PST |