jimbond007.shorturl.com has been created and now needs to be activated.
We offer two types of ShortURL accounts- Premium & Basic.
Live/Daily/Historical Traffic Stats.
Traffic Referrer Reports (shows what pages your visitors come from)
Instant activation of your account.
No link bar when url masking.
Unlimited high priority trouble ticket support.
Two options to choose from to get Premium Service:
Pay $1.88 via Paypal. Paypal no longer requires you create an account. Credit cards and checking accounts can be used.
Can't use Paypal? Other payment options.
Click the Paypal button to pay $1.88 for 1 year ($0.16 cents a month!).
Not an auto-renewed subscription. If you don't pay next year, your account will simply be downgraded to a basic account.
Not sure? You may upgrade to Premium service at anytime.
Free. It takes 6 to 24 hours for your account to be approved.
Why? Because we offer a URL masking feature that hides the real URL in the background
we've experienced abuse by individuals using custom subdomains in spam and phishing fraud.
A few years ago we began hand screening sites as well as employing other detection
techniques. Unlike our Premium service option, we can't use Paypal to instantly validate you.
Affiliate Programs
are not allowed to use the free option as they are a high risk to us for spam marketing
abuse and can't be hand screened by normal means. Paypal allows us to validate you.
(More info?)
A very small (13 pixles) link bar on your site (if URL masking is on).
24+ hours wait for your shortURL to be hand approved by staff.
No Live/Daily/Historical Traffic Stats
No Traffic Referrer Reports (shows what pages your visitors come from)
No high priority support (normal priority).
Choose This Option