The Traffic Report allows you to track the number of visitors your shortURL receives.
Raw Visits indicates the number of times your shortURL has been used. Unique Visits is the number of times your shortURL has been used by unique individuals. This value is derived by excluding those visitors that have revisited, or reloaded your URL within a 6 hour period.
Todays date is:
Thursday September 14, 2000
Current server time is:
8:16:43 p.m. Pacific Standard Time
Current raw visits for today:
Current unique visits for today:
Current unique % for today:
Account created:
Sunday October 3, 2000 at: 3:58:21 p.m. PST
Raw visits since creation:
Unique visits since creation:
Unique % since creation:
This counter can be reset by you on any given day.
When reset, it will reset as of this morning, 12:00:01 AM, displaying todays traffic so far and counting from there.
Counting since: 9/14/00 12:00:01 AM PST
[reset my counter]
Raw Visits: 332
Unique visits: 290
Unique %:
Raw visits
Unique visits
Unique %
1 | 409 | 360
| 88.02% | 2 | 392 | 330
| 84.18% | 3 | 290 | 201
| 69.31% | 4 | 480 | 370
| 77.08% | 5 | 640 | 510
| 79.69% | 6 | 430 | 370
| 86.05% | 7 | 393 | 240
| 61.07% | 8 | 520 | 433
| 83.27% | 9 | 409 | 360
| 88.02% | 10 | 380 | 310
| 81.58% | 11 | 467 | 389
| 83.30% | 12 | 560 | 480
| 85.71% | 13 | 461 | 379
| 82.21% |  | 332 | 290 | 87.35% |  | 6163 | 5022 | 81.49% |  | 448.54 | 364.00 | 81.15% | Note: Adverage is the daily adverage excluding today.